recondition battery freezer

How to repair/fix lithium ion rechargeable batteries 18650 from old laptop - duration: 8:31. diy tech 88,043 views. <p>i was check out this website before buying ebook step by step battery reconditioning i used to put my plain alkaline batteries in the freezer for a few hours. How to recondition lithium ion batteries. unlike reconditioning nickel-based batteries, lithium ion batteries do not require you to fully drain the battery..
The recondition method is ideal for increasing the lifetime of your batteries. did you know there is a method that can extend the life of batteries you buy?. Recondition rechargable batteries..... nickel metal and a working freezer.....don't throw that battery out and recondition a sulfated battery. How to revive a dead laptop battery. you can add new life to your nimh or nicd laptop battery by placing it in a tightly-sealed plastic bag and freezing it for 12 hours..