battery care virus
Batterycare. technical details. file system modifications. random audio ads virus; google redirect virus; top trojans. trojan.egguard; alureon; trojan.katusha. Is batterycare.exe virus or not? - more about security threats and solutions how to recognize if there is a virus in your xp, vista or windows7 process named. Batterycare is designed to optimize the usage and performance of the modern laptop's battery. batterycare features: battery's discharge cycles monitoring.
Batterycare is a free utility that helps you keep your laptop battery topped off and ready to security and antivirus center; new releases; battery care. Batterycare - application and good practice guide for maintaining and optimizing the battery of the modern laptop. What is batterycare.exe? the .exe extension on a filename indicates an exe cutable file. executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer..